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  • Writer's pictureMagali Depras

When Business Meets Sustainability

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

ESG Contulting services

It’s been two weeks since I launched my new company and I would like to thank you for the incredible resonance and for your words of encouragement. 20,500+ impressions on LinkedIn and hundreds of interactions…It speaks volumes about the power of a deeply rooted network across industries and geographies and it also demonstrates the growing interest of business leaders for sustainability.

As I start this new chapter, I have decided to initiate a regular blog and to engage in a conversation with you on the importance of connecting business with sustainability. This first article sets the stage about my personal background and the experiences I can build upon to advise companies going forward. My intention is to provide a new perspective on ESG (environment, social and governance), from the standpoint of an experienced executive, who has driven businesses, while embedding sustainability at the core of their activities.

I was recently interviewed by PerceptivX Magazine and I am honored to be featured in their September edition on Leading Women Leaders. Taking stock about my career path and achievements and reflecting about my values and key drivers at a time when I was starting my business was an interesting exercise to go through. I invite you to discover the full article here: Magali Depras: When Business meets Sustainability - PerceptivX

I have managed businesses globally for more than 25 years. While doing this, I have dealt with multiple stakeholders and had to balance priorities and demands – sometimes conflicting - coming from various sides. I have addressed many industry sectors, from packaging where I served customers in agriculture, food production and retail, to certification and standards, supplying companies spanning 50+ different technologies. Various sectors, yet, common topics when it comes to conducting a business sustainably, while generating growth and profits.

I have experienced first-hand that sustainable products can be a fantastic source of innovation, value creation and differentiation, and that companies can rip economical benefits from sustainability whether it is through increased energy efficiency, waste reduction, or better health and safety for their employees. I have also witnessed how more diversity and inclusion lead to better business results. The implementation of these activities should not be seen as an investment or expense with no short-term return. They should not be taken in isolation, but rather be coordinated and embedded within a company’s strategy and its operations.

These are topics I will address regularly and on which I would love to engage in a conversation with you. Little quote of the day to conclude: «There is no business without sustainability!»

See you soon,


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